File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
Alias.h [code]
AliasList.h [code]
Annotation.h [code]
AnnotationList.h [code]
Artist.h [code]
ArtistCredit.h [code]
ArtistList.h [code]
Attribute.h [code]
AttributeList.h [code]
CDStub.h [code]
CDStubList.h [code]
Collection.h [code]
CollectionList.h [code]
defines.h [code]
Disc.h [code]
DiscList.h [code]
Entity.h [code]
FreeDBDisc.h [code]
FreeDBDiscList.h [code]
HTTPFetch.h [code]
IPI.h [code]
IPIList.h [code]
ISRC.h [code]
ISRCList.h [code]
ISWC.h [code]
ISWCList.h [code]
Label.h [code]
LabelInfo.h [code]
LabelInfoList.h [code]
LabelList.h [code]
Lifespan.h [code]
List.h [code]
ListImpl.h [code]
mb4_c.h [code]
Medium.h [code]
MediumList.h [code]
Message.h [code]
Metadata.h [code]
NameCredit.h [code]
NameCreditList.h [code]
NonMBTrack.h [code]
NonMBTrackList.h [code]
PUID.h [code]
PUIDList.h [code]
Query.h [code]
Rating.h [code]
Recording.h [code]
RecordingList.h [code]
Relation.h [code]
RelationList.h [code]
RelationListList.h [code]
Release.h [code]
ReleaseGroup.h [code]
ReleaseGroupList.h [code]
ReleaseList.h [code]
SecondaryType.h [code]
SecondaryTypeList.h [code]
Tag.h [code]
TagList.h [code]
TextRepresentation.h [code]
Track.h [code]
TrackList.h [code]
UserRating.h [code]
UserTag.h [code]
UserTagList.h [code]
Work.h [code]
WorkList.h [code]
Generated on Tue May 15 18:06:21 2012 for libmusicbrainz4 by  doxygen 1.6.3